Sunday, March 31, 2013

Over exercise disturb health fertility

Exercise can indeed help  your body become more fit and healthy. However, if done to excess can cause interference, especially in women.

You may be one of the women who regularly exercise each week. However, there are some cases where women become over training and can interfere with reproductive health.

Here are some signs you have excess exercise, as quoted from the book Vitro, Preparing for Pregnancy, floral dr. Ivan R Here, SpOG.

- Irregular Menstruation or sometimes do not menstruate in the next period. If exercise makes your periods are not smooth, immediately consult a physician.

- Exercise more than seven hours a week can interfere with fertility.

- Experiencing the signs over training stressful physically, if not disturbed menstrual cycle, be aware of the symptoms of snoring are not lost sleep, insomnia, or so nervous.

Healthy Way Loosen Cholesterol without Drugs

Taking the drug for patients with cholesterol is one way to lower high cholesterol. However, there are many natural options that can lower your cholesterol levels. Want to know?

A healthy diet without fat was very encouraged to lower cholesterol Low-density lipoprotein (commonly known as bad cholesterol), as reported by Fox News.

As related to it, here are some tips to lower your cholesterol without prescription drugs, among them:

- Avoid foods such as egg yolks, fatty meats and full-fat dairy products. In the meantime, to help lower your cholesterol, combine food intake with salmon, nuts, and cereals to the diet.

- Exercise regularly. No need to run a marathon or lifting weights against you, but move your body to the heart pumping and the blood circulation running smoothly.

- Being overweight contributes to the triggering of high cholesterol. Try to lose weight, your cholesterol levels will usually follow.

- Still not satisfied with your cholesterol level? You can also try a supplement. But check with your doctor before you try it.

Stay Healthy despite sleepless

It's not always that when a person who had been slept for eight hours will woke up and get the multiple energy. So, how to get a good sleep then?

The quantity of sleep a person is not necessarily balanced with quality. Included in this, someone related habit to go to bed earlier in fact do not always have good health or quality can sleep soundly.
This is of course the key associated with running your habits in a healthy lifestyle, so free from various diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and depression.
If you feel you have time to sleep a little, but still healthy, follow these suggestions:
Warm bath and a cup of herbal teaIt is necessary for the body to have to work every day feeling relaxed, until the blood circulation in the body running smoothly. Sure it's great for your body's recovery. Especially if it is coupled with consuming herbal tea before going to bed, it will trigger and accelerate the recovery process of your body.
BreatheLater phenomenon sleep disorder or sleep apnea appeared among the people. Those who suffer from breathing becomes difficult to make the quality of sleep decreases.
This is the event to you, practical therapy to relieve it by sleeping sideways. This is so that the circulation of oxygen into work flawlessly. Meanwhile, if you do not develop it, make your bed as comfortable as possible. This allows the brain a break and kept away from those thoughts should not appear.
Reschedule your routine exerciseRegular exercise can help improve the quality of sleep, when the time is right. The purpose of this, lately prevalent among young people exercising in the middle of the night. Futsal and badminton, for example.
Furthermore, if it is still done, you can sleep undisturbed. Because the people doing the activity in the middle of the night it took three to four hours for the body for a period of cooling.
"When the body temperature is too high and your heart rate moving faster, it can keep you awake," Ojile said, as reported by Womens Health.
It was therefore recommended that we get sleep
quality even with such a short time, go in the morning or Exercise during lunch. From there, you will feel the tremendous energy and improve performance.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Healthy way to say good bye to Fat

FATS in the stomach it will make a lot of women or men feel irritated. Belly fat makes some alarming view that is not beautiful, while others are worried about health.

Stomach distension of course can be very frustrating for women and men. It has all the fat in the body and accumulate in the stomach certainly unsightly. But there are ways to get rid of belly fat. Here's the trick, as reported Magforwoman.

Drinking enough water 
If you start drinking 10 to 12 glasses of water every day, you will fill your empty stomach. This will reduce the urge to snack. Did you know that water also dissolves grease and removes toxins?

Do not lazy to walk 
Start taking 30 rounds long minutes moderate exercise such as brisk walking around your house. You can add jogging, swimming, cycling, aerobics or pilates to routine. Doing these activities regularly will have a direct effect on the stomach downsizing and eliminating bad fats.

Eat smaller portions
If you are not in the habit of doing so may be a little difficult. But trust me, this will make you better. Instead of having two meals a heavy meal, you better split into 3-4 small portions of food every day. You will avoid snacking in this way and do not make your stomach bloated.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Don't Pull Your teeth when you are sick

Have you ever heard of a dentists advice to ease your toothache if you want to pull a tooth? It is not merely to scare you, but it has its own benefits for health.

Relieves sore tooth before taking action pulling teeth is very important. This way it can keep you from the things that are not desirable that interfere with your mouth health.

"Not without reason, dentists often recommend you to relieve toothache before pulling out. Tooth usually triggers swelling of the gums, making anesthesia did not work. Because the fluid or pus filled gums swollen nerves, "said drg. Zaura Rini, MDS, as Chairman PB PDGI, at an event Pepsodent Dental Celebrates World Health Day, in Gandaria City Mall recently.

In addition to non-functioning of the anesthetic on the gums, tooth pain will also create a lot of complications if you force pulling teeth still hurt.

"Dental pain caused by the hole would normally trigger an infection. If the action on the teeth fatal infections, such as swollen gums, will trigger cuts, and bleeding. Generally, when an infection occurs, the body can experience interference to stop the bleeding. Things like this would be a very high risk to your health, "said drg. Rini.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Healthy Streching Exercise

STRETCH before exercise is beneficial for preventing injury during health exercise. However, there are other healthy benefits of stretching that you do every day even when not exercising.

You may have had a hard time taking things that fall under your desk, or when you take something from the top shelf in your home. This may be because you are less flexible. Does not mean you have to be a gymnast to be flexible. With simple stretches every day, you can get the flexibility of a good body, so it can perform daily activities with ease, as reported by Magforwoman.

Stretching not only helps in increasing your stamina and also helps in toning the entire body. Stretch every day approximately 15 minutes when you wake up in the morning will help you build stamina.

We may feel stiff and lazy in the morning, and this stretch will help us to refresh our body. Simple and effective, stretching exercises should be part of our daily routine.

Fresh Body means Healthy, that's for sure... 

STOP Negative thinking for your Heart Healthy

Become a negative thinker can  affect your entire outlook on life. Wanna proof?

Never think negatively. Because it can affect your daily attitude. This is also confirmed by the statement of a researcher who explained that the negative thinker can produce negative actions that can affect the mental health or stress.

Unlike you who always think positive, it will bring many benefits in the face of everything. Here are the benefits of positive thinking Mayo Clinic released, as reviewed Family Health Guide.

- Lower levels of depression.
- Reduce the possibility of flu.
- Increase motivation to continue living.
- Having a better mental and physical health.
- Reduce the risk of cardiovascular health.
- Helps you cope better with stress.

Does your exercise effective ?

ACTIVITY in the form of routine physical exercise can help you keep your body fit. However, there are some conditions where exercise can not work for your body. Here's his review

Many of us start the exercise with enthusiasm high. But how do we know that the exercise you undertake actual work on your body or even just spend the money for a session of strenuous exercise in the gym? Here are some signs that you can see, if the exercise is beneficial for the body or not, as reported Magforwoman.

Mild pain

The first week at the gym would look too hard for your body, this is a normal thing, and your body will feel achy pain at some point too. However, when you have been exercising in a certain period of time and keep your body feel the pain that interferes with, it could be a sport that you do not work on your body. The pain indicates inefficient exercise, while implying pain injury.

Do not get excited after workout

You should feel energized after a training session, the reason is because the body has a surge of endorphins after physical training. This is the same hormone released during sex. On the other hand, if you feel anxious or depressed, you may not work properly.
Check your body shape

This is the easiest way to know if exercise really work on you, and this will not cause problems for women. Look at yourself in the glass and try to see a change in body shape. Exercise can burn calories and fat accumulates, so that when the exercise was carried out, is likely to appear on your physical changes. If not, maybe your physical exercise is not fit for you.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Think too much can cause pain

For your own Healthy "Don't think too much! Kept thinking stressful events that could increase 20 percent inflammation in your body," said the researchers from Ohio University.
When you ponder over the past, you are basically creating stress hormones in your mind, says author Peggy Zoccola, Ph.D.

"Stress can affect your body's changes in heart rate, blood pressure, or kartisol levels (a hormone that affects the metabolism of the body) and continue to reflect on the events that stress can activate the same negative atmosphere in the body at that time," he added.

Furthermore, he said, if you can not get out of your mind, then it can affect the risk of inflammation, such as heart disease and other illnesses. "If you constantly do that, you are susceptible to disorders," he said, as reported by Mens Health.

"So if you panic, try to smile. Believe it or not, just by pretending to smile can help reduce the effects of stress and lower your heart rate, "said Zoccola in a study published by the university of Kansas.

In a study published by the university of Kansas, Zoccola concluded that by activating the muscles of the face such as sending messages to the brain, you feel happy and calm.

Healthy Simple Rituals

Would you believe that some trivial activity in your daily life can help take care of your body
Indeed, not all the little quirks that you do can have special benefits for health. However, note the following habits that can be healthy for your surprise.

Keeping your body fit is certainly not easy. But there are various ways you can do to make your body stay fit. Scratching, kissing and even yelling can help you stay healthy, but of course, which made ​​it a habit to provide benefits if it is done naturally. Here are some habits that can help you stay healthy as reported Magforwoman.


Scratching an itchy body part feels like heaven, it has been scientifically researched and proven that this action closes all the other unpleasant feelings and memories, making this activity as mental therapy for you. Also, when we scratch, the dead cells on the skin will disappear, allowing new skin cells to regenerate.


We all know that kissing is an expression of love and lust. What we do not know is that kissing is comparable to jogging or walking slowly in the gym to burn the same number of calories. In fact, scientists have proven that the exchange of breath while kissing can release chemicals and transfer saliva specific for each body can be healthy.


When you scream and pull out of anger, you may be issued a variety of words from a random mind. Indirectly, this activity helps the brain to be more creative and even improve memory

Healthy morning exercise is for women

Morning day is a great time to exercise and burn unwanted calories from your body. Energized and refreshed in the morning it will make you more healthy and excited in the day.

Both the body and the mind is able to exert themselves to the fullest in the morning as the night you can rest properly. So, take advantage of the morning and make sure you follow some sort of workout routine in the morning to keep fit you can do.

Here are some options to exercise in the morning is good, especially for women, as reported Magforwoman.

Morning walk

Walking at a fast tempo in the morning is one of the best exercise routine that you must follow. There is no special place or equipment weight, especially extra cost. All you need is shoes and comfortable workout clothes, as well as favorite songs to accompany you release fatigue.

Yoga is an exercise routine with a slow tempo but effective, that will help you rid your mind of stress from the body. It will not drain your energy like other exercise routines. Yoga is going to cause pain in the body if you are just starting the sport. However, this is a simple and gentle way to train your body to stay fit and healthy.

There is no time like the morning to stretch and relax. There are some stretching exercises, such as stretching and stretching the arm side that you can do in the morning to relax muscles and make your body ready for the day ahead.

Massage, Eliminate Pain & Overcome Cancer Effects

YOU may be one of those who likes to relax with a healthy massage. In addition to eliminating pain and sore body, massage also helps cancer patients from the side effects of drug use.
The purpose of the massage to relieve pain or pain in your body and makes you feel relaxed. This means that the consequences of such favorable relax and soften overused muscles and reduce cramping and spasms. It also helps to reduce joint pain and improve joint flexibility. The release of endorphins during and after a massage also helps in reducing the pain of these chemicals are natural painkillers, as reported by Magforwoman.

Healthy massage also makes you feel good. The reason for this is because the body releases chemicals such as endorphins and oxytocin as you massage. Endorphins are natural chemicals in the body that are natural painkillers. Oxytocin on the other hand is responsible for making you feel at ease. In this way, massage can relieve you from stress, anxiety, and depression.

People who suffer from arthritis or osteoarthritis can also get the benefit for the relief of pain with a massage. This is because massage brings the movement decreased stiffness, pain, and muscle tension.

In addition to reducing the side effects of cancer treatment, such as swelling, fatigue, depression, nausea, and pain. Massage also helps to improve immune system function. Moreover, it also can promote relaxation and reduce cancer symptoms.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Beware, Shisha Smoking is More Dangerous

MANY ways for smokers to enjoy a cigarette. One of the current trends is the use of hookah, also called shisha. They claim cigarette type is more friendly to health. But in fact, this kind of cigarette is also as dangerous as those sold in the market.

Experts say the growing popularity of this type of smoking shisha is driven by lifestyle and the belief that smoking is a type is more socially acceptable than cigarettes in general. Also conviction that shisha smokers are much safer than regular cigarettes because of the filter from the pipe and water use can eliminate toxins, thus FoxNews reported.

In fact, the smoke of tobacco in the shisha even comes in flavors apple, strawberry, honey or mint, will retain all the carcinogens in cigarette smoke and adding more carbon monoxide and ektrakarsinogen from the use of burning coals to keep the nicotine that is used to keep it flowing.
Shisha user will suck 100 to 200 times more volume of smoke than a cigarette. And experts say there are misperceptions about smoking the shisha. Many people think that smoking is safer than smoking bars, but both have the same health risks.

STOP smoking if you are really care of your healthy life.

Exercise for your breast

MANY women who want to have larger breasts. Sometimes to get around this, the women often perform implant. Here is a natural way so that your breasts look bigger.

The hormone estrogen is the hormone responsible for the development and growth of a woman's breasts. A decrease in the hormone estrogen is often associated with a woman developing breast perfectly.

Here are the physical exercises you can do to make your breasts become larger, as reported by Livestrong

Step 1

- Hold the weight by 2 pounds on each arm in a sitting position on the seat.

- Allow your arms to hang at your sides with your back straight.

- Lift weights until your arms outwards parallel to the line of your shoulder.

- Hold for a count of five seconds and then return to the starting position.

- Perform three sets of five reps each day.

Step 2

Do push-ups on a regular basis to help build muscle in your chest. You can repeat this process for two to three sets of five reps.

Step 3

- Lying supine position, hold a weight 2 pounds on each arm. Slowly lift your weight up until your arms are met in a straight position.

- Return your arms to the starting position and repeat for three sets with 10 repetitions in each set.
Looks good and healthy for sure and your partner would not feel sorry about that.

Healthy Fruit & Vegetables for Libido

Who says  vegetables and fruits function is only to provide fiber for digestion. Both are shown to have other benefits, which improve your sexual health and your partner.

If your sex drive is lower than usual, and you want to give a natural boost, try adding vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Besides increasing sex drive, these foods also improve your overall health. Here are vegetables and fruits that can help improve your sexual health, as reported by eHow.

1 Eating celery raw or cooked to lift your libido.
These vegetables contain androsterone, a hormone that is secreted by the male through the pores to attract women with body odor characteristic. Some people even believe, celery can make semen taste sweeter and less salty or like chlorine.

2 Bananas stimulate the libido as they are loaded with the enzyme bromelain.
Increased energy levels because they contain potassium and riboflavin. These nutrients can help increase your sexual hormones.

3 Add slices of avocado in your salads menu.
Although avocados high in fat, but fat is healthy fat that are beneficial to the body. Avocados also contain a high amount of vitamin B-6 which helps your body produce more sex hormones.

Staying healthy in rainy season

Changes weather makes a variety of diseases over. Not just physical threat but also disrupted the activities. In order to avoid such threats, did anticipate the following manner.

The rainy season has come, be alert and be aware of the variety of health problems. Build good habits to stay healthy when it rains. When rain falls suddenly, do not let your body just wet, seek immediate shelter available, wait until subsides. Boost your immune system and prepare a few simple steps to maintain health.

Prepare your rain gear

The most effective way to avoid getting sick during the rainy season is wearing rain gear. Umbrellas, rain coat, hooded jackets are some of the equipment must not be negligent entered into when you travel. It's pretty inconvenient, but it can reduce your chances of illness due to rain.

Soon rain showers

Any disease come when your body temperature changes drastically. Fresh bath of cold temperatures will stabilize by rain, wash clean all the germs get washed away, and then when you dry off, the body temperature gradually returned to normal temperature, then warm yourself with hot tea or eating hot sauce.

Exercise routine

When forget to bring rain gear and rain and the stamina to be weaken. The best way for the body to fatigue and pain is doing a simple exercise at home or around the house. You can do jogging or cycling around the area of ​​the house and do some indoor exercises. Thus, not only do you avoid the flu, but you will also feel much better by doing it.

Be Strong and healthy even the rainy season comes..