Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tips to reduce smoking

I use to be an active smoker and i know that to stop smoking habits is not easy. To reduce the smoking habit, you have to take it seriously; trace exactly how much you smoke, and ensure the progress you achieve.

Here, tips reduce smoking, as quoted Health24:

1.  Track how much you smoke, make a written record. If you often smoke automatically-without realizing it-, it is easy for you to smoke more. Ask yourself before smoking, do I really need? Can I delay the urge to smoke? Practice to be able to control that desire.

2.  You can use other ways to make yourself more aware of each cigarette smoked, such as smoking in certain places unusual (try facing into a corner, for example), or use your hands to hold the cigarette smoke.

3.  Analysis of your other habits, such as eating, drinking, alcohol, smokers spend time with the community, and so on. Try to avoid environments that are conducive to smoking so irresistible urge to smoke.

4.  Put off light a cigarette for the first time you bit by bit every day.

5.  Do not smoke butts up close. Suction smoking just half or a third of the stem.

6.  Replace cigarettes with a brand you do not like. Or, try changing the brand of cigarette lighter a few weeks before the quit date to help your body get used to the low-nicotine cigarettes. However, make sure you do not smoke more mild cigarettes, inhale more deeply, or cover the holes in the filter.

7.  Do not empty your ashtrays so you can calculate how many cigarettes you smoke each day.

8.  It also helps you be more aware of each cigarette to be smoked.

9.  Spend a pack of cigarettes before you buy, and do not buy cigarettes in bulk.

10. Do not carry cigarettes while away.

11. Do not ask for or receive cigarettes from other smokers.

12. Ask former smokers success tips and what methods they use to survive in the habit of not smoking. 

STOP Smoking is one of the reason to have a healthy life, that's for sure.

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