Saturday, April 6, 2013

Don't fall in your shower when you are old, it could be fatal

The Balance of our body will usually deteriorate with increases in age. This would certainly be fatal for health. Prevent early risks that may arise due to an imbalance of the body in the following way.

Harvard Health Publications released a study that the incidence of falls in old age have a fatal impact. The reason, the incident may invite other diseases, such as spinal fractures while in the shower or the way in which this can lead to serious health problems.

Some old person that i know loss his life by incidence in the bath room, As for the Prevention of the this problems, you can perform light physical activity such as brisk walking.

"The combination of activities such as walking in the morning, weight training and specific exercises to improve balance and prevention of fatal due to falls. This is particularly aimed at the parents', according to research cited Harvad Health Publications.

When health problems are making you can hardly walk, consult with your doctor to get indoor sports guide. The reason is, because a good plan also should be well designed to fit the patient's condition. In addition, the threat of serious illness went away.

To make it easier, start with something easier activities that you do or like. Next, find a time that fits the current routine. If you already use a stick to help you walk, make sure you use your stick when you take a morning walk.

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