Monday, April 8, 2013

These thing stimulate Heart Attack

Heart attack is closely related to stress. To that end, keep your heart in order to stress stability was struck which resulted in heart disease. 

According to research published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, approximately 60 to 80 percent of patients have problems with stress. If not addressed promptly can lead to heart disease.

This is because many are reluctant to do the follow-up care, on the grounds that it was a private matter. Even worse, every time you're stressed, your body's every it also must bear the loss which certainly interfere with your health.

If you keep placing the blame and pressure to your body, this will trigger stress hormones to suppress the circulation of the body. For that, you'd better figure out what hit you so that you can immediately stop each way.

Below are some of the conditions that led to your stress hormones, can lead to heart health, including the following:

Sensitive to food

Symptoms can be felt when you often feel bloated, diarrhea, joint pain and fatigue. Similarly, as reported by the Huffington Post.


These symptoms originated from leg cramps, hair loss, and fatigue.

Hormonal imbalance

Common symptoms, are quick to anger, sweating at night, irregular periods.

Too much exercise

These symptoms are usually felt after you have finished the exercise, such as fatigue, loss of menstrual periods.

Rarely eat

These symptoms could arguably include mild, such as dizziness, irritability between meals arrived.

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